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Details about the Program

 18 :00 - 19:00 : Guests Registration of 500. VIP Guests will be 100 and 400 other people. Guests will have to      bring their IDs. Well-known speakers will be the businesswoman Marianna Latsi, the shipowner Vasilis  Melisanidis, the politician Gianna Agelopoulou Daskalaki, the shipowner Evagelos Marinakis, the Unesco  ambassador Marianna Vardinoyiannis and the ambassador of Arogi Foundation,Gianna Dimogianni. Also, VIP  Guests will be Anna Vissi and Sakis Rouvas who will sing. 

 19:00- 19:15 : Welcome & Greetings of the owner of the Island Club and Restaurant '' Chrysanthos Panas'' .

 19:15- 20:00 : Drinks served. All the quests can go to the open bar and choose their drink.

 20:00- 21:00 : Speeches

 20:00-  20:10 : ''Power of 5 Firm'' will talk about :The Purpose of our Gathering''. Our Company will talk about  the aim of this Fundraising Gala and the importance of charity now days. Guests will have the opportunity to  make any questions and express their opinion.

 20:10- 20:20 : ''Gianna Dimogiannis'' , director of Arogi Foundation . She will talk about the Goals and  Auction of Arogi Foundation. She is very grateful about the gathering of donation where this event do for its  Foundation. She will talk also, about the philanthropy and the importance of helping people .

 20:20- 20:30 : ''Evangelos Marinakis'', the known shipowner will talk about '' For Those In Need''. He will  focus on destitute families and homeless people who need immediately our help. 

 20:30- 20:40 : the businesswoman ''Marianna Latsi'' make a speech about '' The Importance of Helping others'' . She will talk about the donations and the philanthropies that she had done.

 20:40- 20:50 : ''Gianna Agelopoulou Daskalaki'' the politician will make a speech about '' The Power of  Charity'' . She will talk about the importance of charity nowdays according to herself. What donations and  charities has done until now.

 20:50- 21:00 : Marianna Vardinoyiannis, Unesco Ambassador will talk about '' A World with less poverty'' . She  will focus on immigrants and wars that prevail nowdays and the importance of piece. 

 21:00- 22:00 : Buffe . It would be a variety of gourmet dishes. All the quests can choose the dishes that they  want from the Bufee.

 22:00- 22:30 : Sakis Rouvas will make a special Live Show , singing and Dancing with his new hit ! 

 22:30 - 23:30 : Live Auction will follow. All the quests will have the chance to participate in the auction and  buy precious old things . Such as things will be : antiques, jewelry , decoration things and paintings. 

 23:30- 00:00 :  Anna Vissi will sing her hits and the quests will have the chance to drink and Dancing    until the morning!

    We hope to have a special night! 

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